Removing bikini hair involves removing hair in the intimate area. Many women do this for reasons of health, cleanliness or just following the latest fashion trends. Bikini is called waxing because pubic hair is usually removed and does not appear when wearing a bikini. Current development trends assume that pubic hair will look embarrassing. This procedure is done by using wax to remove hair or fine hair. Different types of bikini hair removal Bikini hair removal can usually be done in a salon or spa by beauty experts. The type of bikini waxing varies depending on the area that must be handled. This difference will also determine the cost of treatment, including the pain produced. Here are a few types: Brazilian total wax bikini Discard all hair around the groin and pubic. Partial Wax of a Brazilian Bikini Groin hair, lips or vaginal lips are removed, leaving a thin line leading to the navel. Expanded bikini wax Hair or feathers pulled up to 5 cm from the bikini line. Traditional bikin...