Having white and radiant skin is every woman's dream. In addition to being treated at a beauty clinic, white skin can also be obtained by doing a series of simple treatments at home using natural ingredients available. Natural ingredients that you can use for skin care include lemon, papaya, turmeric powder and yogurt. In addition to being consumed directly, this herb can also be applied to the face using a natural mask made by yourself. Having white and radiant skin is every woman's dream. In addition to being treated at a beauty clinic, white skin can also be obtained by doing a series of simple treatments at home using natural ingredients available. How to use natural masks at home Here are some natural ingredients for masks that are easily available and how to use them: Lemon Not only is it rich in vitamin C, lemons also contain alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) which can help exfoliate the skin naturally. There is also a citric acid content in lemon which can fade spots ...